We need your support!

In order to continue to work actively on this project, we are dependent on financial support. Donations finance the maintenance of this project. A project of such vision needs patrons who are willing to share in the vision and know what it means to ambitiously pursue this vision and be motivated to develop it. Every donation helps us to continue on this path for the benefit of all patients.

Become a part of this project and support us with your donation.

Please make your donation by bank transfer if possible, since PayPal has high fees.
PayPal is suitable for colleagues who live outside Europe.

I want to support the project and donate

50 €

100 €

200 €

500 €

a self-determined amount

Clicking on one of the donation buttons will not trigger the payment process. Instead, you will be redirected to the Paypal website where you can make the payment. Once the process is complete you will be redirected back to the MMPP page.

Donation account of MMPP

You can also send us your donation by bank transfer. Please use the following bank details:

Account holder Gesellschaft homöopathischer Ärzte
c/o Elke Lorenzen
Dankwartsgrube 58
DE-23552 Lübeck
IBAN DE92 3006 0601 0202 7424 70
Bank Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank
Richard-Oskar-Mattern-Straße 6
DE-40547 Düsseldorf