Homeopathic remedy provings (HAMP)

Remedy provings in MMPP

The MMPP has the objective of reviewing more than 600 resources, i.e. collecting, sifting through, clearly present and compiling a genius of all available remedy provings, toxicological reports and case studies from the literature. The most important sources are, of course, the most comprehensive remedy provings.

During the drafting of Passiflora incarnata in 2011, more than 50 case studies were found in the homeopathic literature, but only one remedy proving by Felizitas Perz and Barbara Ackerl from the year 2003 was found. This was felt to be a major shortcoming, and so the idea of conducting remedy provings within the MMPP was born. Passiflora was the first remedy to be proved in the MMPP.

After some discussion it was decided to carry out the remedy provings as Hahnemann himself conducted them, therefore we use §§ 105 to 141 as our guidelines. On this basis instructions for provers were written. Blind and double-blind experiments or controls with placebo are not carried out. However, it was recommended that the provers test the remedy without knowing its name, and that they should neither read up on the remedy nor be in contact with other provers. Regular communication between the provers and the supervisor of the proving was important from the outset in order to make the observations of the provers more precise and complete.

In the meantime, a number of remedies have been proved and for the most part have produced very good results. Almost all remedies that were proved were previously unproved or inadequately proved.

So far, the following remedies have been proved:
Aqua marina (2012/2013)
Aconitum lycoctonum (2019)
Asa foetida (2014/15)
Bengston pellets (2022)
Boldo fragans (2017)
Calcium fluoricum (2022)
Carboneum oxygenisatum (2020)
Condurango (2015/16)
Epilobium angustifolium (2021)
Flor de Piedra (2013/14)
Ganoderma tsugae (2023)
Hecla lava (2022)
Hydrastis canadensis (2016)
Mimosa pudica (2012)
Natrium fluoratum (2023)
Passiflora incarnata (2011)
Platanus co. und or. (2014/15)
Quassia amara (2017)
Scirrhinum (2017)
Scrophularia nodosa (2019)
Sempervivum tectorum (2019)
Symphytum (2021/22)

The following provings are available in German:
Aqua marina (2012/2013)
Boldo fragans (2017)
Flor de Piedra (2013/14)
Ganoderma tsugae (2023)
Natrium fluoratum (2023)
Passiflora incarnata (2011)
Quassia amara (2017)

The MMPP transcripts of the provings are available for a minimum donation of EUR 20 per transcript. If you are interested, please contact info@mmpp-saine.org.

Additional provers are always welcome. If you are interested in taking part in provings, please also contact info@mmpp-saine.org.

The following provings are in the process of being compiled after being proved:
Asclepios tuberosa
Bellis perennis
Eucalyptus globulus
Gentiana lutea
Lobelia erinus
Scutellaria lateriafolia
Tuberculinum bovinum

The proving protocol of Passiflora incarnata can be downloaded free of charge.

The proving instructions contain the guidelines according to which the homeopathic drug tests are carried out.